Expert Interview: Fluoride Solutions – Tips and Techniques to Live a Fluoride-Free Life, Including How to Raise Cavity-Free Kids!

Dr. David Kennedy
We're back with Dr. David Kennedy, world-renowned expert on fluoride toxicity, retired dentist, past president of the IAOMT, and author of the book, How to Save Your Teeth.
If you haven't already, we invite you to check out Dr. Kennedy's other World Summit Expert Interview, "The Truth about Fluoride".
In this interview, Dr. Kennedy explains how to live a fluoride-free life.
Let's dive right in!Watch
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Healthy Mouth World Summit
Guest: Dr David Kennedy
Fluoride Solutions – Tips and Techniques to Live a Fluoride-Free Life, Including How to Raise Cavity-Free Kids!
Will: Back by popular demand here with us at the Healthy Mouth Summit is Dr.
David Kennedy. Dr. Kennedy is a retired dentist and author of How to Save Your
Teeth. His YouTube videos have almost a million views. Dr. Kennedy is the past
president of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and he
holds degrees in comparative biochemistry and physiology, and a doctorate in
dental surgery
He is a world lecturer to the dental profession on the safety of dental materials in
the human body. His lectures include, among others, addresses to the World
Health Organization and the American Dental Society of Europe. More recently,
Dr. Kennedy was the presenter at the International Society for Fluoride Research
Conference in Budapest. And was involved in the Canadian Dental Association
Conference on the use of fluoride drops and tablets.
To this day, Dr. Kennedy spends his time educating the public on what scientific
research exists on the safety of dental materials. The title of Dr. Kennedy’s
presentation today is “Fluoride Solutions: Tips and Techniques to Live a Fluoride Free Life, Including How to Raise Cavity-Free Kids.”
Okay, now that we’ve gone down the fluoride rabbit hole -- really, kind of a dirty
rat hole, it sounds like -- let’s bring it back to creating positive changes in our oral health. Let’s take it to solutions.
First off, how can we lower our exposure to fluoride, both if we live in a city that
fluoridates its water supply as well as if we don’t? In other words, is it just about
the water? Or does the risk of fluoride toxicity for humans go into the food supply, too?
Dr. Kennedy: All of the above. If you live in a community that has silica fluoride
in the water, you are also bathing in it. If you have a hot tub, you’re soaking in it.
It goes right through your skin. In Germany, if you had a thyroid that was too
active, they would have you take a 20-minute bath in fluoridated water, and that
would knock down your thyroid. Well, I know a lot of people who like to take a
nice, warm, soaky hot tub or a soaky bath. Maybe they work out at the gym. So,
you know, it goes right through your skin. It’s really difficult if you live in a
fluoridated community to avoid substantial exposure to fluoride.
In addition, if you go out to eat foods at a restaurant -- people might not stop to
think about this -- but soup is made with the tap water. A cup of rice has at least a cup of water in it. A cup of spaghetti has at least a cup of water in it. So, all of the water vegetables, all of the rice, pastas, all those things absorb water. And, even if you have a garden that’s organic and you’re not throwing any pesticides on it and if you spray water in the air it absorbs through the leaf of the plant. And your vegetables or your fruit trees end up higher in fluoride.
So, it’s really difficult. There’s a couple things you can do. You can spend
$10,000 and get a whole-house system. They use a system of aluminum, so you
end up with aluminum in the product. I don’t recommend that you drink it! But it
does take the fluoride out. It’s like Dr. Haley’s Tums. And then they run it through
a finishing process with bone char, which removes the rest of the fluoride that the aluminum misses, and some other ingredients to take care of the chlorine and the other stuff from municipal tap water. That’s going to cost you a bundle. And it’s going to cost you probably $100 to $200 a month to keep buying the