Expert Interview: Dentistry in the 21st Century: Non-toxic Treatment of the Whole Person

Dr Blanche Grube
Dr Blanche Grube gives us a touching understanding of how dentistry can really help facilitate greater whole being health.
Dr Blanche eloquently addresses subjects ranging from the proper protocol to remove mercury fillings to methods to determine the relative safety of various dental filling materials for our personal immune system.
Dr Blanche’s presentation stands in sharp contrast to what many of us think of when we think of going to the dentist.
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Healthy Mouth World Summit
Guest: Dr Blanche Grube
Dentistry in the 21st Century: Non-Toxic Treatment of the Whole Person
Will: The next expert to share their experience here with us at the Healthy Mouth World Summit is Dr. Blanche Grube. Dr. Grube has been in private practice for three decades providing exceptional general dentistry and surgical expertise in a friendly, home-like environment. Dr. Blanche holds a second doctorate in integrative medicine and is certified in conscious sedation. She has had extensive training in homeopathy, nutrition, iridology, colon hydrotherapy, neural therapy, and acupuncture.
Through a series of events, Dr. Blanche connected with Dr. Hal Huggins in Colorado Springs, and the stage was set for what would become a new direction in her dental practice, and a collaboration that would be far-reaching in her professional career.
Dr. Grube is an accredited doctor of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, and teaches for the Dr. Huggins Alliance. Since becoming mercury-free twenty years ago, Dr. Blanche has been at the forefront of the biological dentistry movement. In October 2011, Dr. Grube became president of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry in Medicine. Dr. Blanche is married to Dr. John Grube, a chiropractor who works in the practice with her.
Dr. Blanche has a generous heart and believes in helping others. She has had the honor in March of 2010 of being ordained in a knighthood. She was knighted as a dame of the sacred medical order of the Knights of Hope, in which she is an
active member. Simply put, the Knights of Hope are a worldwide organization of Christian soldiers of charity who make a pledge to render assistance to humanity whenever possible. Dr. Blanche holds the compassionate values of the order close to her heart. The title of Dr. Grube’s presentation today is “The Future of Dentistry is Here.”
Dr. Blanche Grube, welcome to the Healthy Mouth World Summit! Dr. Grube: Thank you! I’m very pleased and very excited to be here!
Will: I really appreciate you coming and sharing so much of your expertise with us here today. The title of your talk is “Dentistry in the 21st Century: Non-Toxic Treatment of the Whole Person.” What do you see is the future of dentistry? What does it look like from your perspective?
Dr. Grube: Oh, the future of dentistry is actually already here. It’s just not in all of the offices yet. But, it’s very, very exciting. I did some work today in my dental office, and I used a laser. I didn’t use the drill, the old drill that everybody knows that has the high-pitch sound. I did most of my work today with a laser. And, so that really is the future of dentistry.
We have so many new technologies coming down the pipe that I just get so excited thinking about it. Years ago, we were limited. We were limited by putting metals in people’s mouths, things like gold, and then amalgam. Today, we have composites that have improved so tremendously over the last few years. Years ago, the composite fillings, or what they used to call the silicate fillings, had tremendous problems. They used to shrink a lot. They would shrink away from
the tooth. They would get recurrent decay. They weren’t anywhere near what we would call an acceptable filling. And so that’s why so many people had their teeth crowned if they wanted to look good.
Not so today. Today, the composites are absolutely beautiful. They’re strong. They’re almost just as strong as any metal. And they bond very well. And that keeps on changing. The composites that we were using just six or seven years ago are not the composites that we’re using today. So they have really improved tremendously.
One of the other things I’m so excited about in dentistry is this buzz and talk about the development of making teeth from stem cells. They now have the technology to take stem cells, put them inside the bone marrow, and grow a tooth. And I’m not talking about growing a tooth in ten years. I’m talking about growing a tooth in nine weeks! Now that’s exciting!
Will: Yeah, no kidding!
Dr. Grube: Yeah! And so, while an impacted molar or an impacted wisdom tooth is not a very good thing to have in your jawbone — especially if it’s a laterally impacted tooth, meaning it’s lying sideways — while that may not be a good thing to have in your jawbone, right now, I would probably advise somebody not to jump and get it extracted because you might just want those stem cells from that wisdom tooth.
And, if you’re going to have it extracted, check out a company like Bio Eden in Texas. Have the stem cells frozen. Have them preserved should you need them
later on. I think that is so exciting because I never really liked metal implants. I’m not a lover of titanium implants. The American dentists have been very hush- hush and quiet about the toxic affects of titanium implants. They never really talk to patients about the effects on B-cells, on monocytes, on T-cells. These are all cells within the immune system.
Titanium, while it oxidizes at a much slower rate than the other metals, it still oxidizes. And when it does oxidize, the oxidation products are very toxic. And, so, I’ve never been a lover of titanium implants for that number one reason. The number two reason I’ve never been a lover of titanium implants is because they’re made out of metal, they interfere with the meridians that run through that space.
Now, for the listeners who don’t know what I mean by meridians, in Eastern medicine, literally thousands of years before the Westerners were discovering that we had muscles, veins, arteries, and they were naming all of these, literally thousands of years before that, Eastern medicine had all of the meridians lined up. They knew that there was a heart meridian, a gallbladder meridian, a liver meridian, etcetera, etcetera.
Well, every meridian runs through a tooth. So, if you have a titanium implant, and suppose that titanium implant has been implanted in the first molar site. Well, that first molar is on the large intestine’s meridian. And, so you have energy coming up from the large intestines going to that area where the implant is. Implant is made out of metal. The last time I checked, it’s not alive. It doesn’t have any life force to it. It doesn’t give back energy. So, the energy going back to the large intestine is deficient.
So, you have energy constantly leaving the large intestines, going up to the molar, and coming back less than what it gave. So, it’s kind of like a black hole sucking up energy from the body. And in the long run, that can never be a good thing for somebody.
I always thought that the implant of the future would be either crystal, maybe ruby or diamond. I’m a woman, so, you know, diamonds are a girl’s best friend. And I used to fantasize, someday I’m going to invent the diamond implant. But, I could never figure out, how was I going to get the bone to attach to the diamond?
So, recently, they’ve come up with zirconia implants. Well, zirconia is the crystal of zirconium. Zirconium is a metal. And when they put it in a very high- temperature oven under high pressure, it literally pops and becomes zirconia the crystal. It behaves as a crystal. It doesn’t transmit electrons. It behaves as a crystal. It doesn’t transmit heat. And that’s fantastic. But I’m not 100% sure that they’re being totally honest with us on how the bone adheres to it.
So, that’s why I’m really excited about stem cells because if it’s the person’s own stem cells, that stem cell has their own genetic pattern. It has their own, what Dr. Huggins calls the histo-compatibility complex, or the license plate, on every cell, and will be accepted by the body as cells. And it’ll be alive! So, if it’s alive, it’s got energy. It’s just so exciting to know that we can actually grow a body part!
Will: Yeah! That’s really it for me, is the idea of it being living tissue, that makes all the difference!
Dr. Grube: That’s right! Absolutely right. So, I see that as maybe the future of dentistry five or ten years down the road. The future of dentistry as far as lasers, as far as non-invasive dentistry, that’s already here. The way I prepare a tooth that has a cavity today is so different from the way I prepared a tooth just five years ago. Just five years ago!
We have something called biomimetic dentistry where instead of removing all of the decay, which is what we were taught in dental school…In dental school and when you take the state boards, if you did not remove all of the decay, every tiny little speck of decay, you failed! That was the number one sin a dentist could commit.
Well, now things are different. Now, if you ozonate the tooth with ozone gas, you sterilize any bacteria that might be directly over the pulp of the tooth. So, now instead of making this huge hole and making sure that all of the decay is removed, now we’re incredibly conservative. We remove the decay around the periphery and then ozonate the middle of the tooth where the pulp is, where the nerve is, thereby killing the bacteria.
And now we have these fantastic bonding agents. It’s not like the old bonding agents that would leak and separate. Now, we have fantastic bonding agents that will seal the outside. That periphery gets so well-sealed that when you put the composite on top, it pretty much lasts forever.
Will: Wow.
Dr. Grube: And that is exciting! Composite dentistry is just absolutely phenomenal compared to what we had just five years ago. I mean, my iPhone is my appendage. And yet, three years ago, I didn’t have an iPhone. I can’t imagine life without my iPhone today. And that’s kind of the way it is in dentistry. It’s moving so fast.
The composites that I have that I’m using every day today, I did not have in my office five years ago. And so it really is wonderful. So, instead of cleaning up a tooth and risking the pulp being entered and risking losing that tooth and risking having to have a root canal, we don’t even go there anymore. Now, we clean out the outside of the tooth, seal it, put a composite on it, and viola! You’re finished!
So, it removes the rest of the domino effect that used to happen so often in dentistry where you had a deep filling and then the deep filling started to hurt and then you needed to do a root canal. And then when you got to the root canal, you needed a crown and on and on and on. That’s all been eliminated now with new biomimetic techniques. Very, very exciting!
Can you tell I love being a dentist?!
Will: Yeah, no kidding! It sounds like a minimally invasive approach to dentistry.
Dr. Grube: Absolutely! And especially when it comes to children. Do you have any children, Will?
Will: Yes.
Dr. Grube: Have you noticed they can’t sit still for too long? Have you noticed that?
Will: [Laughs] Sure!
Dr. Grube: That’s right! So, when you have a child in the chair and they have a cavity, it takes a long time for dentists to very carefully remove all of the decay in a baby tooth. Well, now it’s not a necessity anymore. Now, we can just drill around the periphery, ozonate it, seal it, finished. The child is literally out of the chair in ten minutes instead of thirty, and running to the toy box. It’s just so wonderful!
Will: Wow.
Dr. Grube: Yes, it truly is wonderful.
Will: Clearly, dentistry is moving away from using toxic substances and looking to optimize what dental materials are used for each person. I’m wondering if we could go in to you talking about testing for material compatibility and how one is tested and what does material compatibility testing offer the dental patient? And is one method of testing superior in its feedback? If you’d dive into that whole subject with us, that’d be great.
Dr. Grube: Sure. There are several different ways of doing material compatibility and trying to figure out which dental material would be safest for the patient. First of all, let me explain what compatibility means. It means putting in a material in
somebody’s mouth that literally — excuse the expression — is not going to **** off your immune system.
Will: Yeah. Well put.
Dr. Grube: Okay. I’m a New Yorker. I can’t help it. I’m sorry. You don’t want to put something in somebody’s mouth that your immune system is going to be constantly figuring out how to get rid of it. And there are different ways of testing for material compatibility.
On the incredibly scientific way, you have blood compatibility testing. And then at the other end of the gamut, you have people who do things like EAV testing or energy testing. EAV stands for [Electro] Acupuncture by Voll. Some people do muscle testing, which is another form of energy testing. Some people use a system called QXCI. And so these are all types of energy testing. There are even people who use a pendulum to determine whether or not a material is safe or not.
As the owner of BioComp Laboratories in Colorado Springs, I can honestly say I’m still a dentist. I like to have one foot firmly planted in science. I like to know that I’ve taken a test tube, I’ve combined the person’s serum from their blood with the dental component, and I’ve looked for a reaction.
And that’s exactly what we do at BioComp Laboratories. We mix first the patient’s serum, which is the part of their blood, mix it with the dental material, and if you get something called protein precipitation, meaning the immunoglobulins clump together, that is considered to be a material that is highly reactive. If your white
blood cells kind of swim by and they look at a dental material and say, “You know what? Eh, it doesn’t look like us.”
Now, Will, every cell in your body has your name on it. It has your initials on it. And your immune system has one major job. And that’s to discover and seek out self from non-self. It floats around, and anything that’s not WIll, then your second job of the immune system is to try to figure out how to get rid of something that’s non-self or not Will. And, so, basically, that’s what our immune system does.
So, if you’re sucking on a dental material and you have it in your mouth and it’s in there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, your immune system is going to have to deal with it. And, so that’s why we like BioComp Laboratories. Very scientific. The blood test comes in. The patients will then get a report telling them which materials they’re very highly reactive to and which ones they are least reactive to.
And, then once the report is done, it would behoove somebody to then go and have their dentistry done and take the report and say to the dentist, “Listen, don’t put anything in my mouth that’s on my highly reactive list, please.”
So, I really like that. For your listeners, if they’re interested, they can certainly call 1-800-331-2301. That’s the phone number for BioComp Laboratories. And we’ll send you a kit free of charge so they can have their blood drawn and send it to BioComp.
Now, I know that you’re in Hawaii. Will: Right.
Dr. Grube: So, do you have overnight shipping from Hawaii to the States, to the land?
Will: Yeah.
Dr. Grube: Alright. So, anybody can do that in Hawaii also. Have their blood drawn, have the serum spun out, frozen, and shipped overnight to BioComp. So, I really believe that that test is superior to anything else that anybody else does. Not that I’m negating what other people do. My husband is a chiropractor and he does a lot of muscle testing. And he’s very good at it. I still like BioComp Laboratories. I like to have something scientific that says what somebody’s okay with and what they’re not.
Will: Right. That’s always been my argument with muscle testing is that it is so subjective. And, energy is subjective, too. I understand that. But, some objectivity in scientific basis really helps. Like you said, to have one foot in is very solid.
Dr. Grube: Right, right. And even the computerized programs are affected by the operator. And I’ve always found that fascinating that even if somebody’s hooked up with probes to a computer, it still can be affected by the operator. With a test tube, it doesn’t matter what my chemist’s attitude is at all. He can have a very bad attitude that day, or a great attitude. It’s not going to affect the test results. Not in the least.
Will: Right, right. I’m wondering what the likelihood is of, for example, someone getting the kit from your company and getting their compatibility test back, are
dentists going to be versed enough in composite materials? I mean, how many composite materials are out there that dentists use?
Dr. Grube: A thousand.
Will: Yeah. Exactly. [Laughs] Okay. And how many dentists out there are going to
be versed to be able to use more than, let’s say, a dozen?
Dr. Grube: Very few. I probably can count them on one hand. But it really is up to the patient to say, “Listen, here’s the book. It’s telling you that these are the materials that I’m okay with.”
In the back of the book, we actually go through the trouble of listing the company that makes the material, and their phone number. We give you the 1-800, so the dentist can easily pick up the phone, call the 1-800, and say, “Excuse me. Is this Johnson and Johnson? I would like a sample of such and such composite.” And, very often they will send it to the dentist free of charge so that they can try it out and get a feel for how it works.
Will: Perfect. Okay. At this point, I’m going to kind of pretend like we’re in your clinical environment there. And at this point, your team has identified the best dental material to use for a specific patient. Okay? You’ve done that through BioComp.
Can you please talk us through what you’ve come to understand as the safest protocol to now remove the amalgam fillings so they can be replaced with the
materials that your testing has determined to be the most biocompatible for the patient?
Dr. Grube: Okay. Well, in both of our offices, not only in Centers for Healing in California, but in Scranton office, before the patient ever comes to have that first visit, before the patient ever comes to have their mercury fillings removed, we have to do a very thorough understanding of the patient. I believe that no doctor should work on any patient without having a blood chemistry, without having a hair analysis, without having a full history.
And, I don’t mean just the dental history, but a full medical history, a full social history — what have they gone through in their lives? What kind of issues do they have in their lives? — because then they would really understand the patient. So, all of that has to be done first. I seldom work on somebody without a blood chemistry and having studied it prior to treating them. Okay?
So, having said that, once that has been completed and we understand the patient and the patient has been placed on very often the supplements that Dr. Huggins recommends…He has a program called the Assist Report. It just makes life so simple. The patient sends in their blood chemistry, their hair analysis, and their questionnaire about their social life. That goes to Dr. Huggins in Colorado Springs. And then they put all of that information into the computerized program that he developed.
Dr. Huggins spent so many years looking at people and saying, “Okay, if your magnesium is high, this is what you should do. If your magnesium is low, this is what you should do.” And so, he did that for so many years. And he actually put
that information into a computerized program. And it spits it out for each person individually and tells them exactly. Because nobody really should sit in a dental chair to have their mercury fillings removed if they’re not on good supplementation, if they have not even considered changing their diet, if they have not considered some of their social habits need to be changed.
I know Dr. Huggins, when he had his clinic in Colorado Springs, he wouldn’t treat a patient that was a smoker. They wouldn’t even get in the chair because he said very, very adamantly, “I’m not a thief, so I’m not going to take your money and give you the promise that you might get better. If you’re still smoking, you’re certainly not going to get better. So, it was nice knowing you.”
So, all of that needs to be addressed prior to that patient’s very important visit when they’re coming to get their mercury fillings taken out. And, it’s the same way in my offices, too. The patients have to have blood chemistry, hair analysis. We need to really know what’s going on.
Now, that doesn’t hold 100% across the board. If somebody has two teeny little fillings and they haven’t been sick a day in their life and they’re just the picture of health and they’ve never had any symptoms…Actually, while I’m saying this, I’m trying to think how many people I’ve had like that. Maybe two. Okay? If the person falls into that category, okay, they don’t need to do all of that. They can sit down and prophylactically, yes, we would remove their mercury filling. But, 99% of our patients do have a history. And they do need to have all of that workup done prior to the first visit.
So, forgive me. I know that was a long-winded explanation. But, I really felt it was important to let people know that you can’t just run to the dentist, have your fillings taken out, and expect a miracle. It just doesn’t happen that way.
Will: In other words, we’re really talking about, it sounds like, that the whole attitude and the paradigm that we as a culture hold must shift in order for dentistry to be able to shift like you are practicing it.
Dr. Grube: Exactly! When I went to my first class with Dr. Hal Huggins, he said that we were the future of dentistry. And that has stayed with us so much so that Dr. David Zoloral and myself have named Centers for Healing, Centers for Healing: the Future of Dentistry. Because Dr. Huggins said that the future of dentistry was such that the dentist was going to be the primary care physician because most patients would go to their dentists first. And it was already true that people would go to their dentists more often than they did their physician.
So, he’s absolutely right that the dentist should be the primary care physician because we look in the mouth. And the mouth is a picture of what’s going on in the rest of the body. You do have to know what you’re looking for.
Will: Sure. But you’re the front line, if you will.
Dr. Grube: Absolutely! We are the front line! If somebody has gum disease, they’re very sick. If somebody has decay, I tell my patients all the time, “Decay is a systemic disease. You just happen to see it in the teeth.” Gum disease is a systemic disease. You just happen to see it in the gums.
And, so, again — and I really believe this — the mouth is a picture of what’s going on in the rest of the body. And the doctors have to be trained to look in the right places and recognize what it is they see.
So, now suppose the patient has done all of that and they’re ready to have their mercury fillings removed. The very first thing the patient has to have is an IV of vitamin C placed into their arm because everything else that you do after that is not 100% effective. I’m going to say that again, because it almost sounds like heresy. The patient has to have IV vitamin C because everything else that we do is not 100% effective.
And let me explain that. You give the patient anesthesia. Well, okay, most of the time anesthesia works. Does it always work? No. But, most of the time, it does. Then you place something called a clamp or a rubber dam over the mouth so that the teeth that you’re working on are the only parts sticking out of these teeny little holes in the rubber dam.
Well, that rubber dam is never 100% sealed. And as holistic dentists, we all talk with each other, “Hey, how do you seal it?” “Well, I do this.” “I put a little composite around the edges.” “I put a little wax.” Everybody knows that sealing that rubber dam is an issue.
Dr. Boyd Haley, who was the chemistry head of the University of Kentucky, informed us that the rubber dam is fantastic at keeping away the particles of mercury while the drilling is taking place. It does absolutely nothing for the gas. So, the mercury vapor gas goes right through the rubber.
And his reason for telling us that was, of course, he’s preaching to the choir. And, we’re all holistic dentists. We know mercury is toxic. He says, “Fellas, did you ever think that the mercury gas is going right through your gloves, and that you are absorbing the mercury through your gloves.”
Will: Oops.
Dr. Grube: Yeah, oops! And so, you can place the rubber dam. And you must place a rubber dam. A rubber dam is an absolute necessity when you’re removing amalgams. But, in spite of that, you still have to have IV vitamin C because you’re not going to get all of the mercury protected by that rubber dam.
Now, we know we’ve got the particles taken care of. We know that we’ve got mercury gas going through the rubber dam. And, so now you must have suction on the inside of the rubber dam, and suction on the outside of the rubber dam. While the dentist is drilling the amalgam out, you must have a dental assistant that is spraying water like crazy, for not only the patient, but for the dentist and for the assistant because this is a toxic hazardous waste material. And it is one of the most potent neurotoxins on the face of the planet.
Every time I pass one of those trucks that have the “WM” on them — Do you have those in Hawaii? They’re very large green trucks that pick up garbage.
Will: Yeah, yeah.
Dr. Grube: Every time I pass one of those trucks, I go, “You know what? We’re in the same business. We are in waste management.” Absolutely.
So, you have to have a rubber dam. You have to have suction behind the rubber dam. You have to have suction in front of the rubber dam. You have to have a lot of water being placed. We also smear a sulfur cream on the outside of the rubber dam. And that keeps the gases from penetrating through the dam.
And so, all of this has to be done while the mercury fillings are being taken out. And the mercury filling itself has to be cut out around the periphery and have the inside chunked out so that you reduce the amount of drilling that takes place.
My job has actually gotten more difficult over the last few years because I’m getting patients who are coming with bonded mercury amalgam fillings. So, the dentists are mixing the bonding agent with the amalgam. I’m not sure if they were doing it because they thought it would release less mercury or because they thought that it would hold better. I think that was the reason, it would hold better because it was actually bonded to the tooth.
Well, those are a bear to cut out because they’re so well-bonded that you cut out the periphery, and the middle does not chunk out. So, those are much more difficult to do. But, ideally, you want to cut the periphery, chunk out the middle.
And then Dr. Huggins had always taught us that you then want to have a dentist who does not continue using the high-speed drill. You must use a slow drill because the part that we call the dentin, it looks hard. It feels hard. It ain’t hard! At the microscopic level, the dentin is made up of millions of tubes that are filled with fluid. It’s a very spongy material. So, at the microscopic level, when you’re drilling on this, the inside of these teeth are getting sucked up and dehydrated.
So, you want to put that high-speed drill away and go in with a slow, round burr. Slow and easy is the way to go.
And, so then all the rest of the decay is removed if you have to. If you don’t, if it’s a really deep filling, do not remove the decay that’s directly over the pulp. Leave it there. But the bare minimum is to remove the decay, unless you’re doing biomimetic dentistry. If you’re doing biomimetic dentistry, well, then you have an ozonator in your office. And you’re ozonating every tooth prior to putting a filling in. So, now the tooth is sterile. Which, we never used to have before. We never had that until we had ozonated dentistry.
So, those are basically the safe ways to have amalgam removed — IV vitamin C, rubber dam, lots of water, careful removal of the amalgam, and then removal of decay and placement of a compatible composite specifically chosen for that patient. And that really is the basics.
Will: So, that’s a far cry different than what’s done every day in conventional or general dentistry, if you will.
Dr. Grube: That is absolutely true.
Will: Yeah. What are some stories or patient success stories that stand out in your mind as highlights of your career helping folks navigate to greater oral health?
Dr. Grube: Well, I think my favorite story is, believe it or not, my very first patient. The woman, her name is Susan. I can give her name because she’s given me
permission. Susan Vinzskosky was the woman who’d given me the article to read about mercury toxicity. And she was the woman who I had placed 18 fillings in her mouth. That was as many fillings as I had myself. And, she was being treated by my husband chiropractically trying to improve her spine and the function of her nervous system with the hopes that her chronic fatigue would get better.
And, I continued to put more fillings in her mouth. So this was an interesting little triangle here. I’m placing fillings, making her sicker. Meanwhile, she’s going to my husband to try to get better. Interesting. Anyway, she’s the one who gave me the article written by Dr. Sandra Dentin, who is a medical doctor who worked for Dr. Hal Huggins at the time.
Well, to make a very long story short, I did wind up meeting Hal Huggins. I would up having my own dental revision done. Then, I went back to Scranton. I had closed my office because I didn’t want to put in mercury in anybody’s mouth again ever. But when it was time for me to do my first revision, I thought it was right to do it on Susan Vinzskosky.
So, I removed all of her fillings. I did it the right way, and put in composite fillings. Susan Vinzskosky’s chronic fatigue was so serious that when she woke up in the morning, she had to make a decision. She would either go to the store and do a little bit of food shopping, or she could do a load of laundry. She certainly could not do both. She spent the rest of the day in bed.
After her revision, a year later, she said she was on the top of Elk Mountain. That’s one of our local ski resorts. She was at the top of Elk Mountain getting ready to go flying down Black Diamond. And, suddenly it hit her and she said, “Oh, my God! I just realized, I’m skiing! I couldn’t do this a year ago!”
One of my other great success stories was a young man who was literally carried into my office by his mother. He was 11 years old. His mother carried him in like a baby because he had gotten down to 66 pounds. He had eight mercury fillings placed in his mouth. And his mouth burned so much that he couldn’t eat. His gums were bleeding, his mouth was burning. He could not eat and he continued to lose weight.
They put him in the hospital, could not figure out what was wrong with this boy. His mother was getting very frustrated because he continued to lose weight. She took him out of the hospital and put him in St. Luke’s Hospital down near Bethlehem. And they also did almost nothing for the boy. They just had him on IV fluids.
She took him out of the hospital, found out about the mercury issue, and literally carried him up into my office. And remember now, he’s 11 years old. I immediately popped out four baby teeth because of the eight fillings that were placed in his mouth, four of them were baby teeth loose and ready to fall out anyway. Think about that one. Then, the following week, I took out one more filling. The following week another. So, within four weeks, I had all of his fillings out, and he was gaining weight.
We just recently called his mother to find out how he’s doing. I’m just amazed. It brings tears to my eyes. This is why I get up in the morning and I love going to work. He’s doing great! He’s got a serious girlfriend. It looks like he might be getting married. He became a pilot. And he’s doing very, very well.
The interesting p.s. on this story was two months after she had taken him to my office and he started getting better, the police came banging on her door to arrest her. And she was charged with child abuse because she had taken her son out of the hospital without the doctor’s permission. And she had to fight that in court. Obviously, she won. But she had to fight that in court. So that’s one of my other just incredible success stories.
Will: Wow, beautiful.
Dr. Grube: Yeah. Our waiting room was filled with so many thank you cards that we could’t keep them up on the walls anymore. There just wasn’t any room! So we had to start putting them in loose-leaf binders. So, then we had volume one, volume two, volume three… [Laughs] It really makes going to work in the morning a joyful experience!
Will: No kidding! Yeah! What person am I going to help today? Hmmm…
Dr. Grube: Right, right. Because every day is different. Every day is different.
Will: We haven’t had anybody really talk on the issue of mercury. It sounds like it’s such a multi-faceted thing. You’re dealing with a neurotoxin here that, based on the person’s individual makeup, it will show up in one way or another. And it’s just all over the place, huh?
Dr. Grube: That’s correct. Thank God the United Nations is getting ready to sign a treaty January 1st, the year 2015. You will see the banning of mercury worldwide. And so it will automatically be phased out of dentistry.
But, in the meantime, dentists are still putting it in today. And in the meantime, there’s still literally millions of people walking around with all kinds of symptoms, all kinds of ailments, and they don’t know why they’re so sick. But, that is the future. I’m very happy about that, that it will be phased out. We’re catching it at the end here.
Will: That’s great. If we can help open up a few more eyes as far as what the possibilities can be like without whatever neurodegenerative issues that each of us may be dealing with because of the dental toxicity.
So, call us a little bit hair trigger, but given that many regulatory agencies still claim that dental amalgam is safe, what are your thoughts around the plastic resins in composite dental materials? Is the exposure to plastic resins in the composites anything to be concerned about? I’d like to hear your thoughts on that.
Dr. Grube: Well, yeah. I mean, plastics are with us. You know? Plastic resins and composites are going to be with us. And there are things like BPA, bisphenol A, that has been shown in histological studies to…Mark my words carefully, plastic becomes us. In other words, our bodies do not have the ability to metabolize plastics. But, somehow or other they mange to seep into our bodies. Some people think because we have leaky gut, and so they come in in large polymers right through the gut wall floating through the bloodstream. They have actually found pieces of plastic inside of muscles. How do you like that?
Will: Wow.
Dr. Grube: So, plastics do become us and we do live in a plastic world. There’s not that much you can do about it except to try to avoid as many plastics as you can. But when we’re talking about composites, well, number one, don’t have a composite placed in your mouth that has bisphenol A in it. And there are many composites on the market that do not have them. That’s important.
Number two, composites are much harder than your number one plastic water bottle. You know the ones that crunch very easily and make that crunchy sound? Those are the ones that you get the most plastic from. So, you have to be careful about choosing your plastics. The number seven water bottle is much harder and doesn’t come off as easily.
And then they kind of reversed it. They started telling people to stay away from number seven. And I thought that was very confusing. I’ve always known that the harder the plastic, the less plastic comes off it.
Well, look at composites. The composites are incredibly hard. As a matter of fact, they’re making cars out of composites. They’re making rocket ships out of composites. So, when it comes to having composite fillings in the mouth, I really don’t think there’s that much to be concerned about. The bisphenol A, yes, that is something to be concerned about because that comes off a lot easier.
Sealants, all sealants that dentists put on children’s teeth, all sealants have bisphenol A in it. And bisphenol A is an interesting chemical. It’s recognized by the body as estrogen. It is so, so similar in chemical configuration that it’s recognized as estrogen. So, I certainly wouldn’t want to have any sealants put on my children’s teeth, especially if I had a little boy. I would not want to do that.
But, the composites in fillings, I don’t think we have that much to worry about. I haven’t seen any science showing that they come off. The rate of wear on a new composite filling, the new ones that we’re doing today, is like .005 microns. That is so incredibly small. .005 microns more than what you would have on a metal filling.
Unless somebody can show me the science that says that small amount can kill a cell, I’m really not going to be concerned about it. I’d much rather have a piece of plastic embedded in my muscle than have mercury in my body, which I know is going to kill the cells. There’s just no comparison. Mercury is a killer while plastic may make us look like Phyllis Diller, God rest her soul. We may wind up looking like Phyllis Diller when we get older. It’s not going to kill us. Okay? [Laughs]
Will: And I agree with you that if we’re dealing with the amount of plastics and composite resins, it seems to be kind of a red herring in comparison to other plasticizing agents that we’re exposed to.
Dr. Grube: Right. Exactly, exactly.
Will: Wow. Okay. I am mentally swimming in your vision here. I’m very excited about it. I think you’ve addressed this, but I’ll just put it out there to you and see if some more gems come bubbling out of you.
If you had to explain what you see as the ideal approach the future dentist addressing the whole person will take, how would you describe that dentist and office? What tools would they use? Would they have multiple professionals in the team to support the patient? What do you see around that?
Dr. Grube: Oh, most certainly! The dentist of the future, first of all, would have had to have had an additional whole education outside of dental school. The dentist of the future would not be working by themselves. It has to be a team approach because no one person can do it all.
You have to have somebody addressing nutrition. You have to have somebody addressing the musculature of the body, craniosacral positions of the head, social history. To truly be a service to somebody, you cannot just stay focused on one aspect of them.
That’s what’s happened in Western medicine. You go to your primary care physician. They send you to the cardiologist. The cardiologist sends you to the foot doctor. The foot doctor sends you to the pulmonologist. And nobody is really talking to each other.
But, to me the ideal office has to have these other modalities and these other very highly trained people in the same office, or at least talking to each other. If I do have to send the patient outside of the office to my colon hydrotherapist, I know that that colon hydrotherapist is going to send me a report and tell me exactly what they found and how much more the patient is going to need.
In Centers for Healing, Dr. David Zoloral and I, we’re committed to have a chiropractor or a naturopath or a massage therapist in every single office. It can never be just a dentist because you’re not really serving the patient. It’s a team approach. Everything has to be addressed.
Will: So, tell us more about the Centers for Healing. I’m very excited about this model that you’ve got going.
Dr. Grube: Well, Dr. David and I looked at the state of affairs in dentistry. You have 54% of the American dentists no longer putting in amalgam. That means 46% still are. So, we still have a tremendous need. And we’ll probably still have a tremendous need for safe mercury removal probably for the next twenty years, maybe twenty-five years. That is an absolute certainty.
And you have dental centers that are providing conventional dental care all over the Untied States. But there isn’t anybody doing holistic dental care. There isn’t anybody doing the kind of things that we’re talking about, addressing the whole patient and seeing to it that they get a discussion about nutrition. They learn about what to eat and what not to eat and how to take care of themselves. They understand that dental problems are a systemic disease, not just a problem in the mouth. And so that’s our vision for Centers for Healing. And we’re very excited about it.
Will: Yeah. That sounds like a wonderful project.
So, Dr. Blanche, do you have any other last gems of support or ideas that we can take with us to create positive changes in our own oral health today?
Dr. Grube: Oh, absolutely. The most positive thing a person can do is to pay attention to, not only their oral health, but their physical health, by paying attention to what they eat. I’ve heard it probably a million times. I’m finally starting to get it myself. We are what we eat.
Fresh meat in moderation, not a sixteen ounce steak, but three ounces. Tons of fresh vegetables. Fresh fruit in moderation depending on where you live. If you live in Hawaii, you can eat lots of pineapples and lots of bananas, those high- sugar fruits because you’re going to be sweating it out. But, if you live in the Northeast, if you live in Maine, you should’t be eating that many tropical fruits, more of the apples, berries, strawberries, things like that. But, mostly fresh fruits, fresh meats, fresh vegetables. Stay away from processed foods.
If white sugar was to irradiated, if somehow or another it were magically irradiated from the world, I would venture to say that fifty percent of the hospitals would probably be closed within ten years. If you could just eliminate the white processed sugar because it’s in everything. It’s in so much of our foods. And now it’s being masked as high fructose corn syrup. So what? It’s the same thing.
There’s way, way, way, way too much sugar in our diet. So, we are what we eat. And the simplest thing and the best thing that a person can do is immediately start paying attention to what they’re putting in their mouth and what they’re consuming.
And, then, of course, after that it’s oral hygiene care as well as body care. And getting plenty of fresh air, sunshine, and exercise, which is not so easy for us workaholics to do.
Will: Yeah, really. You’re helping everybody else out. But, then, “Oh yeah. Wait a second. I haven’t done anything for my own self here.” Yeah, we’ve got to keep everything in balance, definitely.
So, where can folks learn more about you and your work, Dr. Blanche?
Dr. Grube: Oh, thank you. Thank you for asking., which is my website. Or If they want information about BioComp, the website for that is And, of course, I’m on all the social networks. So, I’m a pretty easy person to find.
We’ll be doing more and more videos now that we have the studio, and getting more information on our website also. Actually, I just found out that I did “Root Canals 101.” One of these days we’ll have a nice discussion about root canals. I did “Root Canals 101,” and that just went up on YouTube.
Will: Perfect! We will definitely put a link!
Dr. Grube: Yeah, they can go to YouTube and look up “Root Canals 101” and see how the very strongly opinionated Dr. Blanche Grube feels about root canals.
Will: [Laughs] Strongly opinionated, but very well-backed in science, too. Eyes wide open.
Dr. Grube: Well, thank you very much, Will! This was an absolute pleasure! Will: Thank you, Dr. Blanche! We appreciate your time!
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