Expert Interview: A View from Above – What Dentistry Can Look Like in the Future

Dr Hal Huggins
Author of many classic books in holistic dentistry.
Dr Hal Huggins bats last in the HealThy Mouth World Summit! Get ready to see through the eyes of Dr Hal Huggins, the modern grandfather of biological dentistry and the person who literally was the first to blow the whistle on the dangers of mercury.
In this awesome interview, Dr Huggins helps us see through his eyes what dentistry can look like and how the dental profession can be a fundamental component in creating optimal health.
Dissecting the customary separation of medical professions, some of the questions Dr Huggins addresses are:
- Tools currently available to drastically increase the healing benefits of removing mercury fillings
- why the order in which a dentist addresses oral health is crucial
- the fundamental role of testing blood chemistry to determine our ‘Ancestral Diet’ and so much more.
Dr Huggins also shares with us the MOST important factor to create positive change in our oral health!!
Be sure to come be inspired by Yoda of biological dentistry!
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Healthy Mouth World Summit
Guest: Dr Hal Huggins
A View From Above – What Dentistry Can Look Like in the Future
Will: The next expert to share their wisdom and experience with us here at the Healthy Mouth World Summit is Dr. Hal Huggins. Dr. Huggins is a leading pioneer in identifying toxic dental materials, balancing body chemistry, and developing a multi-disciplined approach to reversing autoimmune diseases. Well-known internationally for his stand against deception in dental practices and regulations.
Dr. Huggins has been on the cutting edge of dentistry since the beginning of his practice over 43 years ago. He has been called the world’s most controversial dentist because of his vigorous stand against silver mercury amalgams and his recommendations that dentists refuse to place or recommend placing amalgams and root canals.
Dr. Huggins earned a post-doctoral master’s degree in immunology and toxicology from the University of Colorado. Over the past three decades, he’s developed a multi-disciplined health care model that has been influential in improving autoimmune diseases such as MS, lupus, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease. Other symptoms such as chronic fatigue, memory loss, and digestive problems have also responded well to his protocols.
He is the author of several books, including It’s All in Your Head and Uninformed Consent, which cover the dangers of using mercury in dentistry. He also recently published ten years ago Solving the MS Mystery, which covers the link between mercury toxicity and autoimmune diseases, as well as seeking your ancestral diet, a cookbook and nutrition book.
In 2004, he published his long-awaited book on hormonally-controlled human interactions titled Who Makes Your Hormones Hum?. And his most recent book Patient Empowerment will be released late of 2012.
Dr. Huggins is currently a consultant in three countries at multi-disciplined centers that practice the Huggins protocol for dental revision and detoxification. He has lectured over 1,400 days in 46 states and 13 foreign countries, and has given over 1,000 radio and TV interviews. His books and many of his booklets and articles are available through his website at
Today, I have the honor of interviewing literally the person who has championed non-toxic, holistic dentistry for the past several decades. In an effort to empower the reality that we prefer to see come to pass, we’re going to talk with Dr. Hal Huggins today about what real possibilities are available within the field of emerging dentistry as we embrace the ability of dentistry to address the health of the whole being.
Dr. Hal Huggins, welcome to the Healthy Mouth World Summit!
Dr. Huggins: Well, thank you! It is good to be part of helping you generate awareness because people need to know some of this material.
Will: It is such a thrilling thing for us to have you on the Summit, sir! I’ve been talking to others about how I’m going to be interviewing Yoda of biological dentistry. So, it’s really an honor. Thank you!
Dr. Huggins: [Laughs] Well, I’m not sure who’s better looking between the two of us!
Will: [Laughs] So the title of our talk today is “A View From Above: What Dentistry Can Look Like in the Future.” We’re going to be talking about a lot of new information and protocols today.
Perhaps we should talk first about what you see the purpose of all this is. Why will it be so beneficial for humanity for dentistry to go in this direction? How are we to benefit from incorporating the protocols you will share with us today?
Dr. Huggins: Well, the main thing that it can do is stop unnecessary diseases. Secondarily, it can show the treatment potentials for getting rid of these diseases that people have. Most of these are what are called autoimmune diseases, which means the immune system is attacking your own body. Examples of this might be Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, seizures, Alzheimer’s, leukemia. There are probably close to 200 autoimmune diseases.
And they all have essentially the same background to them. It’s just they have different symptoms attached to them, different manifestations, and, of course, different insurance codes, which really controls things.
But the main thing is the immune system only does two things. It looks for self or non-self. A self cell is one that has your personal genetic code on it. And if the immune system sees that code, then it bypasses that cell and goes on until it finds something that does not have your genetic code on it. And if it doesn’t like a splinter, okay, we develop an immune reaction around it and kick it out.
However, if you have, say, a nerve cell that has an atom of mercury sitting on it, that will be recorded as non-self. And the immune system will be instructed to come in and destroy it. And then that’s where we get things like Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and seizures and so on.
That there is an interference there because of a dental material. It is a foreign item, yes. The part that is parking on it is foreign, but what it is attacking, be it nerve tissue, heart tissue, kidney, whatever, that is really you. And that’s why it’s called autoimmune. So, the general attack here is if your immune system is attacking your cells, kill the immune system.
Well, this is like saying we can stop the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and wherever else we’re fighting, we can stop it immediately if we kill all the American soldiers. And that’s exactly what we’re doing here. We’re killing our own soldiers by the treatments that are used for autoimmune disease. My approach is a little different. It’s get rid of the cause. And, many times the cause has its base in dental materials.
Will: Wow. Okay. So, that’s a lot to tackle.
Dr. Huggins: Well, it is and it isn’t. It’s a lot of different diseases to attack. But the attack is basically the same thing. We use blood chemistry as a monitor. And it shows us in the diagnostic portion that blood chemistry will show us where the bomb was when it went off. In other words, what tissue was injured and to what extent? And, then that also lets us know that that tissue needs some help.
All right, so if we go in and help that tissue get well, did it work? Did we over- correct? Did we under-correct? Or were we right on target? The blood chemistry will tell us that. So, there’s not a whole lot of guess work to it. And that’s a real advantage of using blood chemistry is that it tells you where to go. And as a monitor, it tells you how far you’ve gone and what corrective measures, if any, you need to do.
So, there’s not that much difference between breast cancer and gum disease. They’re both imbalances. If the serum calcium is high, what do you do? You bring it down. If it’s low, what do you do? You bring it up. In which disease? In all of those diseases. So, the correction is pretty simple.
Now, how you do the correction gets complicated once in a while. But conceptually, remove the cause and supply the body with raw materials so that it can cure itself. We don’t cure anything. The body cures itself.
Will: Right. First of all, stop the toxic load coming in. And then supply the necessary nutrition.
Dr. Huggins: Yes. And, the nutrition is not necessarily what you heard on television. Basically each of us has our own what is called ancestral diet. That is the foods that our ancestors were eating 2,000 years ago. So, when we decided to be born and what we were going to look like, we went to the shelf and picked out items of genetics from 2,000 years ago. And that’s who we are.
And the amount of carbohydrate, protein, and fat are related to all of our ancestors at least that far away. So, this is what we do is try to figure out the ancestral diet because when you’re on your ancestral diet and I’m on mine, even though they may be very different, the chemistry is identical.
So, sometimes people say, “Well, this may be normal for you.” Uh, no. Normal, by definition, is 95.56% of the population. And where do our normals come from? Well, they come from the hospitals. They get them from the patients where they’ve drawn the blood before the patient died. So, what you’re being compared to is 95% of the people who were sent to the hospital or who went to the doctor because they were sick. Is this what you want to be compared to? Or do you want to be compared to somebody who’s in good shape and well?
Will: No kidding, huh? Sure, your comments here about ancestral diet are really echoing Weston Price’s research, it sounds like.
Dr. Huggins: Well, that may be true! Absolutely! Yes, because he spent over a decade traveling around the world looking for peoples in the world who were in good shape, that is they lived out their lifespan, and then all of a sudden, got sick and died. They did not spend years in a nursing home. They were running around, and took just a few days to wrap things up and die.
And, in one place, they gave him permission to dig up skulls. And he found one cavity per 1,000 teeth at the time of death. So, whatever they were doing was keeping the body in good health. And this is where the concept came from [that] the mouth is the barometer of the body’s health because if you do not have cavities, you do not have gum disease, you’re on your ancestral diet.
And, of course, people who had lived together in the same area for decades were pretty much of the same ancestry. So, we see people of different races who get married. And that’s fine. But then they have children. The children don’t have any real ancestral diet. And we have treated a bunch of those people. And it’s very hard to balance their chemistry because they don’t have an ancestral diet.
To read the rest of interview, download the transcript.
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